Poésie Noire - Quotes In Complicated (1989)

Here are the quotes that we can found in the Complicated booklet:


* You make Captain Beefheart look like Mickey Mouse
(Lyon, fall '88)

* Tin Tin ne reconnaitrait pas son Ile Noire, flanquée de ses plages de sable volcanique encore fumantes.
(Tin Tin wouldn't recognize its Black Island, flanked its ranges of volcanic sand still smoking.)
(Le Printemps de Bourges, '89)

* "Je suis complètement fasciné par la mort, c'est l'orgasme final!"
("I am completely fascinated by death, it is the final orgasm!")
(Jo - Télémoustique)

* "On a choisi de s'appeler Poésie Noire parce que ça sonnait superbe. En Anglais, "Black Poetry", aurait sonné comme un groupe de hard rock."
("We have choosen to be called Poésie Noire because that sounded superb. In English, "Black Poetry" would have sounded like a hard rock group.")
(Jo - Télémoustique)

* "My songs are honest. The records reflect what's happening in my life... Everything or nothing."
(Jo - Fabiola)

* "Je ne veux pas que les gens se suicident en écoutant mes disques..."
("I do not want people commit suicide by listening to my discs...")
(Jo - Best)

* "Nous ne sommes probablement pas le groupe éléctronique le plus original" dixit Poésie Noire, mais vous êtes sûrement l'un des plus intéressant!
("We are probably not the most original electronic group" demands Poesie Noire, but you are surely one of more interesting!)
(Megalo Rock)

* Belgian oddity that starts quite amicably and then builds into a torried semi-pornographic dancer.
(Radio Active Flood 12" - Rockpool)

* This kind of music is too good to be just mindless dance fodder!
(Timber 12" - Rockpool)

* Erstaunlich!
(Tetra LP - Music Scene)

* This is probably some of the best stuff they've done. I love the Dead Can Dance-sample on "Pity".
(Pity for the self MLP - WITR Radio NY/T. Masick)

* Poésie Noire m'étonne.
(Poésie Noire astonishes me.)
(Love Is Colder... LP - 7 à Paris/C. Bourseiller)

* They have the knack like Reed and Cale of marrying gloomy noirish lyrics to insistant pop hooks.
(Love Is Colder... LP - Option)

* ...with "love is colder" Poésie Noire finally pays respect to its name. This week's body warmer.
(Love Is Colder... LP - Oor)

* Poésie Noire n'est plus un groupe techno-synthé-machine, il s'en fut. Un son neuf. Un des meileurs disques de l'année.
(Poésie Noire is no longer the techno-synth-machine group, it was. A new sound. One of the best discs of the year.)
(Love Is Colder... LP - Station Service/Strassbourg)

* An imaginative stroll through cinematic music, where the keyboards gently peck at you and the rhythm flutters its eyelids.
(Taste of Candy 7" - Melody Maker)

* ...probablement un des meilleurs LP sorti par un groupe Belge cette année.
(...probably one of best the LPs left by a Belgian group this year.)
(Love Is Colder... LP - Ritual)

* Album super original.
(Love Is Colder... LP - British Connection/FM Radio)

* One of the most important records of this year.
(Love Is Colder... LP - What's that noise)

* "... ici, les fans m'appelle "La bête noire"!
(Here, the fans call me "la bête noire" (the black beast)!
(Jo - Best)


Remember, la bête noire never dies.


by Patrik Kruse & David Hulet.



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