The Industrial Techno Playground - Big fun site with zillions of links to homepages for many bands and labels. An invaluable site.
The Industrial Page - Another mega jumping-off point for all things industrial.
Electro-Industrial Music Resources - Contains Industrial Artists & Labels E-mail Lists and other useful info.
Derailer: Industrial Groups/Labels - Links! Links! Links!
The Cyberden - Home to some very important labels, with lots of other interesting info. A prime location for sure.
Electronic Body Music - Information specifically on the EBM style of industrial dance music.
EST Magazine
- An informative webzine on the Industrial Music realm.Chaos Control - Industrial cyberzine with a variety of features.
V2 Archief - Cool extreme music/art site, featuring an amazing graphic interface, an online catalogue of cool music and print, and sound, image and video files of Merzbow, Illusion of Safety, and many more. Has links to Waxweb, Survival Research Labs and more.....
Mind Control - Details about a sound-sample CD of industrial sounds and rhythms that can be used by electronic/industrial musicians. Site includes actual sound files you can listen to.....
Christian Industrial Info Page - A real specialty item here, folks!
Cybertzara/ Extreme-Subterrania - A site run by Debbie Jaffe of Master/Slave Relationship. Includes M/SR pages, and lots of extreme music releases you can purchase.
RzWeb: The Residents - A guide to the work of the world's greatest mutant experimental band!
Japanese Noise - Cool documentation on one of the most brutal-sounding music scenes in the world.
Darkside Of The Web - Not all music stuff, but a huge selection of links to www sites of interest to all cybergothindustrialnoisedeviant types with mutant aesthetics. Subjects include Goth & Industrial music, horror films (links to the Hammer House of Horror homepage!), horror fiction and art, and all things occult and creepy.
The Gothic Corner - More accurate than a warlock's crystal ball for finding your path through the digital labyrinths to the worlds of goth....
Gothic Stuff - More goth stuff....
Gothic Resources - Yet more goth....!
Some label sites:
Chalkhead Records - A place for sampling and buying products from unsigned independent bands....on custom-designed CD's!!
Middle Pillar - Distributor/Label, fond of the Psychic TV/Current 93/Death In June type things, as well as lots of obscure goth stuff.
Cold Meat Industry Page - Not maintained by the label itself, but by an adoring fan. Loads of sound, graphics, interviews, discographies, reviews..... Very cool. Beautiful design.
Mute Records - Only some stuff here is industrial, but a label to watch in any case.
Charnel Music
Music Research/Zoth Ommog
Play It Again Sam
Ras Dva
Waxtrax! Records
Some labels on Cyberden:
Cleopatra Records
Fifth Colvmn Records
21st Circuitry
And of course:
Yahoo - Entertainment:Music:Genres:Industrial - The mother of all industrial'll hardly know where to begin....!
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